2012 Selected by Kreatív as one of top 25 creative minds in Hungary
2012 Subjective Atlas of Hungary awarded Henry van der Velde 2012 label
2011 SubMap receives Design Award in the category of Interactive Design
2009 'Gomba' building, Budapest, competition with Ádám Vesztergom, 2nd prize
2008 Budapest City Hall, competion at ONL [Oosterhuis_Lénárd], honorable mention Junior Príma Award Ivanka Concrete Design Award - 1st prize
Press Architecture Prize - shortlisted entry
designboom's Bright LED design competition - shortlisted entry link
Student Architecture & Art Contest - 2nd prize, honorable mention
Saint-Gobain Trophy 2007 - 2nd prize
2006 Homlokzat Nagydíj - student prize
2005 Szeresd Budapestet! (Love Budapest!) city renewal idea competition – 4th prize
2004 International VELUX Awards 2004 – honorable mention with Ildikó Bujdosó link (jury: Glenn Murcutt, John Pawson, Craig Dykers, Ole Bouman, Ahmet Gülgönen)
2003 Student Architecture & Art Contest – 1st prize, Rector’s Award
2001 Geofil Student Competition – 2nd prize