Group exhibitions
Air Slaves at Transmediale / CTM Vorspiel, Berlin, 2017.02.
SubMap at Deák 17 gallery, Budapest, 2014.12.
Air project, work-in-progress demo, Labor, Budapest. 2012.09.25.
SubMap at ‘Cartographies Of Hope: Change Narratives‘, DOX Centre for Contemporary Art, Prague. 2012.11.22-2013.02.21.
SubMap × UrbanCyclr, Slow Design, Budapest Design Week. 2012.09.28.-10.07.
SubMap, Hack the City, Science Gallery, Dublin. 2012.07-09.
Hungary, Subjectively @ Európa Pont, 2011.11.06-30.
Subjective Atlas of Hungary & SubMap @ Lodz Design Festival, Lodz, Poland, 2011.10.20-30.
SubMap and Subjective Atlas of Hungary @ Hungarian Design Award exhibition, Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest, 2011.10.07-16.
The McLuhan wikisprint @ Egyszerű többség / No one belongs here more than you, Műcsarnok / Kunsthalle Budapest, 2011.03.25-04.23
SubMap with Dániel Feles, Krisztián Gergely, Gáspár Hajdu @ Pixelache Helsinki 2011 festival 'Map me if you will', 2011.03.10-13.
SubMap with Dániel Feles, Krisztián Gergely, Gáspár Hajdu @ Subjective Budapest Maps exhibition @ Centrális Galéria, 2010.10.20-12.02.
Datafizz @ Internet at Liberty 2010 conference, co-organized by Google and CEU, 2010.09.20-22.
SubMap with Dániel Feles, Krisztián Gergely @ Under The Knife exhibition @ Budapest Fiction, 2010.07.01-24.
Datafizz @ TENT London, 2009.09.24-27.
Smoke Viz @ Lift experience, Geneva 2009.02.25-27.
All-you-can-think @ Középkezdés @ N&n galéria, Budapest 2008.02.13-2008.03.10.
The grand Baldachin - 10 000 Cats @ Institut Hongrois de Paris 2007.11.21-2008.01.25.
'Változó Európa' photo exhibition @ Örökség galéria, Budapest 2007.10.18-12.9.
'Re:orient – migrating architectures' @ 10th Venice Biennale, Hungarian pavilion link
ARC city poster exhibition @ Felvonulási tér, Budapest 2007.10.18-12.9.
'Fény az Építészetben' @ OMM Elektrotechnikai Múzeum, Budapest 2006.10.26-12.31.