Talks & workshops
Conferences and symposiums
Cumulus Budapest 2024, Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design, Budapest, 2024.05.15–17.
Lift @ Hungary : Eastern Quartier, 2-day symposium and workship at Széchenyi István akna, Pécs, co-organized with Melinda Sipos and Daniella Huszár, 2010. 09. 26.
Lectures and talks
Talk at ZEISS Innovation Center in Dublin, California.
Good journalism – Guest lecturer at ELTE Department of Media and Communication, Budapest.
Impact & design: the (urgent) scaling of social impact – roundtable discussion at Service Design Day 2021, Budapest
Talk at Vodafone Buzz, online.
Good journalism – Guest lecturer at ELTE Department of Media and Communication, Budapest.
Economia 20, Baltan Laboraties, online, 2020.09.04.
Keynote talk at Service Design Day 2019, Budapest, 2019.10.09.
Talk at Aalto University, Helsinki, 2019.10.10.
Talk at 12min Ignite Talks, Budapest
Talk at Ignite Budapest #8
Talk at Budapest New Technology Meetup
Talk at UX Budapest Meetup
Roundtable discussion at Service Design Day, Design Week 2018, Budapest
Guest Talk at Creative Code, MOME Open, Budapest
Keynote Talk at Social Innovation / Social Inspiration, CEU, Budapest
Talk at ScreenUp#1 at ART+COM Explore CHB, Berlin
Talk at College for Advanced Studies in Arts and Art Theory, Hungarian University of Fine Arts, Budapest
Designing for Human Cooperation, Redefine, Budapest, 2014.10.03.
Replicable Formats of Cooperation, TEDxDanubia, Budapest, 2014.05.15.
Theory and practice of digital media, MA Course at MOKK Centre for Media Research and Education of Budapest University of Technology and Economics.
Talk at OpenStreetMap – OSGeo Hungary Meetup, 2013.04.07.
Lecture at International Business School, 2013.12.17.
Talk at PechaKucha Night Budapest vol. 36, 2013.11.28.
Talk at New Tech Meetup Budapest
Motivation architecture, talk at BUTE, 2013.03.21.
Talk at Creative Cities conference, Leipzig, 2012.11.29.
Lecture at International Business School, 2012.10.17.
Talk at Politics of the small act, Leipzig
Talk at Danube Flow kickoff event, 2012.01.
Four lectures in the ‘Digital media in theory and practice’ class at Media Research Center, Budapest University of Technology and Economics.
Open stage talk on Remix Architecture at Lift11 conference, Geneva, Switzerland, 2-4 February, 2011.
'rese talk sk hu CZ' talk and panel discussion on digital architecture, at The Brno House of Arts, Brno, Czech Republic, 25 November 2010.
'The Future of the Lab' panel discussion, at ISEA RUHR 2010, Dortmund, Germany
'Hacking in the Kitchen', Pecha Kucha-style talk at Medialab-Prado, Madrid, Spain
Presenting working methodology and projects by Kitchen Budapest at 'Creative Digital Media Research Practice: Production Through Exhibition' symposium at Culture Lab, Newcastle University and AV Festival 10 festival, Newcastle, UK
'Coffee, large cities, Internet - but where is architecture?' at Krétakör Kollégium, 2009. 12. 04.
Digital technologies used in complex geometry architecture at Budapest New Technology Meetup
ONL's proposal for Budapest City Hall competition at Városháza vitafórum, KÉK
Digital technologies used in complex geometry architecture at Autodesk Revit BIM Awards Ceremony, Gresham palace, Budapest
Digital technologies used in complex geometry architecture at Autodesk Fórum, Budapest
Digital technologies used in complex geometry architecture at Autodesk International Press Conference, Visegrád
Japan at Trafik Kör, Dabas
Re:orient at posztmodern, BME
Re:orient at Szakmérnöki, BME
'Másolat és eredetiség' at Lakástrend, Műcsarnok
'Másolat és eredetiség' at DeFo in Blue, KÉK
Re:orient at Trafik Kör, Dabas
Re:orient at Néprajzi Múzeum
Japán at posztmodern, BME
Re:orient at Mesteriskola
Re:orient at posztmodern, BME 2006.10.27.
'Civilizáció kontra kultúra' at Kultúra és építészet, BME
Lecture on contemporary architecture in Japan at kortárs, BME
Lecture on contemporary architecture in Japan at Kaszás, BME
Talk at Pecha Kucha Night vol.20, Tokyo, Japan – organized by KDa
Workshop for Loyalty to Art, 2021.12.05.
Workshop at Finnish Somalia Network, Helsinki, 2019.10.11.
Workshop at Bánkitó 2018, Bánk, Hungary. 2018.07.14.
Workshop at Personal Democracy Forum, Gdansk, 2018.04.26.
Social Design Cookbook workshop at Digital Bauhaus Summit, Weimar
Social Design Cookbook workshop at Brain Bar Budapest,
Social Design Cookbook workshop at OFF Biennale, Budapest
Social Design Cookbook, at Lift Conference, Geneva, 2015.02.04.
Social Design Cook Book, workshop at Kitchen Budapest, with Laszlo Kiss and Judit Boros, as part of the MA course Theory and practice of digital media
Technology of Collaboration, workshop at Design Terminal, Budapest, a satellite program of Singularity University Summit Europe, 2013. 11. 14.
SubMap workshop at Hack the City, Science Gallery, Dublin, 2012. 06. 23-24.
Beyond Data workshop, Lift conference, Geneva, 2012. 02. 23.
Custom cover design workshop for Subjective Atlas of Hungary, HVG Könyvek, 2011. 10. 03.
Remix Architecture workshop, KÉK - Hungarian Contemporary Architecture Centre, 2011. 03. 17-18.
Subjective Atlas of Hungary workshop, Kitchen Budapest, 2010. 11. 22. - 12. 03.
Köztér, mint színtér, workshop at BUTE, 2010
Do you share? Do you like?, workshop at MOME, with Melinda Sipos and Ágoston Nagy, 2010
'AUI - architectures, users, interfaces', workshop at BUTE, with Gergely Borgulya, 2009
Masterclass, led by Kas Oosterhuis and Marcos Novak, 2007
Uni-Verse, workshop at BUTE, with Gergely Borgulya, 2006